3 Survival Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

Welcome, world!

You’re reading my first blog post from my new website made for the new year. I am eager to share my deep knowledge in hopes of igniting your personal interest in health & wellness. Ultimately, making this world a happier and healthier place is the core of all my messages.

Without further ado…

Here are my 3 Survival Tips

1. Treat yourself to a massage

Is the holiday season stressing you out? I have plenty of openings. It’s time to hop aboard the train to FEELGOOD TOWN!

Book your next appointment now

2. Drink more water

Water is our life juice. Staying hydrated helps to carry toxins away and out of your body. It can help you lose weight, a much-appreciated benefit for a season filled with crave-worthy cookies and glutinous gravy.

3. Remember to move your body

Spark your inner flow by regularly moving your body. Try introducing light daily stretching to your routine. I guarantee this small change will lead to your body generally feeling better!

Share this post with your loved ones if you found it useful.

And, stay tuned for more tips to come.

Much Love,


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Maddie Boatwright